Housework Quotes


A clean house is the sign of a boring person.

A clean house is a sign of a broken computer !

A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.

A clean house is the sign of a wasted life.

A new broom is a clean sweep, but an old broom knows the corners.


A woman has never been known to shoot a man

while he was doing the dishes

( or the laundry, vacuuming, etc. )


Although you’ll find our house a mess,

come in, sit down, converse.

It doesn’t always look like this.

Some days it’s even worse.


An old broom knows the dirty corners best !!

Beware…this home protected by killer dust bunnies…

Beware of Killer Dust Bunnies…

Born to shop….not to mop !!

Clean if you must…

but don’t write in the dust.


Cleaning the house while the kids are still growing…

is like shoveling the walk while it’s snowing…


Cleanliness is next to….impossible !!

Dull women have immaculate homes !

Dust is just a country accent.

Dust is a protective cover.


For Maid Service, Press Button.

If No One Answers, Do It Yourself!


Four little dirty words:  wash, cook, iron, dust

Help wanted — everyone in the house qualifies.

Housework causes warts !

Housework, when done correctly, can kill you.

Housework, done properly, can kill you.



is a

Family Affair


Housework is something you can do

that nobody notices until

you don’t do it !!


Housework is the pits !!

Housework…just sweep the room with a glance !!

Housework makes you ugly…

Housework makes your HARE turn gray !!

(seen on a sign…a gray rabbit painted below words)

I believe in miracles… keeping this place clean is one of them.


I clean house every other day…

Today is the other day !


I cleaned yesterday, sorry you missed it.

I don’t do housework on days that end in “Y”…

If cleanliness is next to godliness….we’re in big trouble !!


If the shelves are dusty

and the pots don’t shine

it’s because I have better

things to do with my time.


I’m not going to vacuum

’til Sears makes one you can ride on !


Is there life after housework?

My house was perfectly clean last week…Sorry you missed it !

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.


Our house is clean enough to be healthy…

and dirty enough to be happy…


Please don’t tidy my mess, you’ll only confuse me.


Please pardon the mess !

Our butler and maid has resigned !!


So I’m not Super wife…….. Adjust!!!!!!!

The dust bunnies are having a convention at my house.

There may be dust in my house but there isn’t any on me.

They’re sure housework won’t kill you…but why take the risk??

This home is protected by a coat of dust…

This house is protected by killer dust bunnies.

This is no ordinary housewife you’re dealing with !

True love leads to housework.


When I get the urge to clean house,

I lay down until it passes.


You can draw in my dust,

just don’t date it.


You can look at my dust, but please don’t write in it !


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