A good sense of humor,
a big dose of patience
and a dash of humility
and you will be rewarded many fold.
A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.
Adopt the pace of nature,
her secret is patience.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Be patient with the faults of others.
They have to be patient with yours.
God grant me patience….NOW !!
Patience is a bitter plant
that produces sweet fruit.
( Charles Swindoll )
Patience is a virtue.
Patience is a virtue…
possess it if you can.
Sometimes found in a woman,
but never in a man !
Patience is a virtue, possessed by some and envied by many.
Patience is counting down without blast off.
Patience is idling your motor when you’d like to step up the gears.
Patience is passion tamed.
Patience is the ability to put up with
people you’d like to put down.
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
(St. Augustine)
Patience may be a virtue…
but patience averts me.
Patience never had children.
Patience will accomplish more than force.
Pressed for time.
(contributed by a visitor to this site–saying was put on cutout of an iron)
The Universe is full of magical things,
patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
We learn a lot from our children – like how much patience we have.