Advertising Quotes

Advertising is the principal reason why the business person has come to inherit the earth.
Adams, James R.

An advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission.
Allen, Fred A.
1894-1957 American Radio Comic

I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things.
Archibishop of Canterbury

Advertising is the very essence of democracy.
Barton, Bruce
1886-1967 American Author Advertising Executive

Watteau is no less an artist for having painted a fascia board while Sainsbury’s is no less effective a business for producing advertisements which entertain and educate instead of condescending and exploiting.
Bayley, Stephen
1951 British Design Critic

Telling lies does not work in advertising.
Bell, Tim
British Publicity Expert

In advertising, not to be different is virtual suicide.
Bernbach, William
1911-1982 American Advertising Executive

We read advertisements to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always ready — even eager — to discover, from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it.
Boorstin, Daniel J.
1914 American Historian

If you are writing about baloney, don’t try and make it Cornish hen, because that’s the worst kind of baloney there is. Just make it darn good baloney.
Burnett, Leo
American Marketing Expert

I’ve learned any fool can write a bad ad, but it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.
Burnett, Leo
American Marketing Expert

Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.
Burnett, Leo
American Marketing Expert

It is pretty obvious that the debasement of the human mind caused by a constant flow of fraudulent advertising is no trivial thing. There is more than one way to conquer a country.
Chandler, Raymond
1888-1959 American Author

Sanely applied advertising could remake the world.
Chase, Stuart
1888-1985 American Writer

The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and cultivate the delightfully vague.
Cosby, Bill
1937 American Actor Comedian Producer

Advertising is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
Della Femina, Jerry
American Advertising Executive

You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.
Douglas, Norman
1868-1952 British Author

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.
Drucker, Peter F.
1909 American Management Consultant Author

The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement’s chance for success invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the ad increases.
Edwards, Dr. Charles

‘Be comfortable with who you are’, reads the headline on the Hush Puppies poster. Are they mad? If people were comfortable with who they were, they’d never buy any products except the ones they needed, and then where would the advertising industry be?
Edwards, Mark
British Journalist

We grew up founding our dreams on the infinite promise of American advertising. I still believe that one can learn to play the piano by mail and that mud will give you a perfect complexion.
Fitzgerald, Zelda
1900-1948 American Writer

How about this for a headline for tomorrow’s paper? French fries.
French, James

That’s the kind of ad I like, facts, facts, facts.
Goldwyn, Samuel
1882-1974 American Film Producer Founder MGM

No agency is better than its account executives.
Hite, Morris

The headline is the most important element of an ad. It must offer a promise to the reader of a believable benefit. And it must be phrased in a way to make it memorable.
Hite, Morris

Several years before birth, advertise for a couple of parents belonging to long-lived families.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
1809-1894 American Author Wit Poet

The right name is an advertisement in itself.
Hopkins, Claude

I have discovered the most exciting, the most arduous literary form of all, the most difficult to master, the most pregnant in curious possibilities. I mean the advertisement. It is far easier to write ten passably effective Sonnets, good enough to take in the not too inquiring critic, than one effective advertisement that will take in a few thousand of the uncritical buying public.
Huxley, Aldous
1894-1963 British Author

The trade of advertising is now so near perfection that it is not easy to propose any improvement. But as every art ought to be exercised in due subordination to the public good, I cannot but propose it as a moral question to these masters of the public ear, whether they do not sometimes play too wantonly with our passions.
Johnson, Samuel
1709-1784 British Author

Promise, large promise, is the soul of an advertisement.
Johnson, Samuel
1709-1784 British Author

Society drives people crazy with lust and calls it advertising.
Lahr, John

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
Leacock, Stephen B.
1869-1944 Canadian Humorist Economist

If you don’t believe in your product, of if you’re not consistent and regular in the way you promote it, the odds of succeeding go way down. The primary function of the marketing plan is to ensure that you have the resources and the wherewithal to do what it takes to make your product work.
Levinson, Jay
American Advertising Expert Author

In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship with the consumer. It must build trust and rapport. It must understand the customer’s needs, and it must provide a product that delivers the promised benefits.
Levinson, Jay
American Advertising Expert Author

Advertising is a valuable economic factor because it is the cheapest way of selling goods, particularly if the goods are worthless.
Lewis, Sinclair
1885-1951 First American Novelist to win the Nobel Prize for literature

The art of advertisement, after the American manner, has introduced into all our life such a lavish use of superlatives, that no standard of value whatever is intact.
Lewis, Wyndham
1882-1957 British Author Painter

Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness.
Mcluhan, Marshall
1911-1980 Canadian Communications Theorist

Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.
Mcluhan, Marshall
1911-1980 Canadian Communications Theorist

The modern little red riding hood, reared on singing commercials, has no objections to being eaten by the wolf.
Mcluhan, Marshall
1911-1980 Canadian Communications Theorist

Good wine needs no bush, and perhaps products that people really want need no hard-sell or soft-sell TV push. Why not? Look at pot.
Nash, Ogden
1902-1971 American Humorous Poet

What you say in advertising is more important than how you say it.
Ogilvy, David
1911 American Businessman Advertising Expert

Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise.
Peter, Laurence J.

Remove advertising, disable a person or firm from proclaiming its wares and their merits, and the whole of society and of the economy is transformed. The enemies of advertising are the enemies of freedom.
Powell, John Enoch
1912 British statesman

One ad is worth more to a paper than forty editorials.
Rogers, Will
1879-1935 American Humorist Actor

Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.
Santayana, George
1863-1952 American Philosopher Poet

Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero.
Unknown, Source

However far your travels take you, you will never find the girl who smiles out at you from the travel brochure.
Unknown, Source

Advertising is legalized lying.
Wells, H.G.
1866-1946 British-born American Author

Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams — Joseph interpreting for Pharaoh. Like the movies, they infect the routine futility of our days with purposeful adventure. Their weapons are our weaknesses: fear, ambition, illness, pride, selfishness, desire, ignorance. And these weapons must be kept as bright as a sword.
White, E(lwyn) B(rooks)
1899-1985 American Author Editor

Advertising is the genie which is transforming America into a place of comfort, luxury and ease for millions.
White, William Allen
1868-1944 American Editor Writer

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