It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted.
BC 525-456 Greek Dramatist
Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.
620-560 BC Greek Fabulist
Be smart, be intelligent and be informed.
Alesandra, Tony
American Businessman Author Speaker
We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain.
Alger, William R.
1822-1905 American Writer
Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom s. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.
Algren, Nelson
1909-1981 American Author
To listen to some devout people, one would imagine that God never laughs.
Aurobindo, Ghose
1872-1950 Philosopher
There is as much difference between the counsel that a friend giveth, and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a friend and of a flatterer. For there is no such flatterer as is a man’s self.
Bacon, Francis
1561-1626 British Philosopher Essayist Statesman
He that gives good advice, builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both; but he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other.
Bacon, Francis
1561-1626 British Philosopher Essayist Statesman
The worst men often give the best advice.
Bailey, Philip James
1816-1902 British Poet
Most of us ask for advice when we know the answer but we want a different one.
Ball, Ivern
Counsel woven into the fabric of real life is wisdom.
Benjamin, Walter
1982-1940 German Critic Philosopher
Where no counsel is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Sacred Scriptures of Christians and Judaism
A fool think he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others.
Sacred Scriptures of Christians and Judaism
Consult. To seek another’s approval of a course already decided on.
Bierce, Ambrose
1842-1914 American Author Editor Journalist The Devil’s Dictionary
Advice is like castor oil, easy to give, but dreadful to take.
Billings, Josh
1815-1885 American Humorist Lecturer
Most people when they come to you for advice, come to have their own opinions strengthened, not corrected.
Billings, Josh
1815-1885 American Humorist Lecturer
The best advisers, helpers and friends, always are not those who tell us how to act in special cases, but who give us, out of themselves, the ardent spirit and desire to act right, and leave us then, even through many blunders, to find out what our own form of right action is.
Brooks, Phillips
1835-1893 American Minister Poet
Talk that does not end in any kind of action is better suppressed altogether.
Carlyle, Thomas
1795-1881 Scottish Philosopher Author
Let no man under value the price of a virtuous woman’s counsel.
Chapman, George
1557-1634 British Dramatist Translator Poet
Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least.
Chesterfield, Lord
1694-1773 British Statesman Author
In matters of religion and matrimony I never give any advice; because I will not have anybody’s torments in this world or the next laid to my charge.
Chesterfield, Lord
1694-1773 British Statesman Author
I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.
Chesterton, Gilbert K.
1874-1936 British Author
In those days he was wiser than he is now — he used frequently to take my advice.
Churchill, Winston
1874-1965 British Statesman Prime Minister
Advice is like snow; the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
1772-1834 British Poet Critic Philosopher
To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.
Collins, John Churton
Never claim as a right what you can ask as a favor.
Collins, John Churton
We ask advice but we mean approbation.
Colton, Charles Caleb
1780-1832 British Sportsman Writer
A word to the wise isn’t necessary, it is the stupid ones who need all the advice.
Cosby, Bill
1937 American Actor Comedian Producer
There is hardly a man on earth who will take advice unless he is certain that it is positively bad.
Dahlberg, Edward
1900-1977 American Author Critic
I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes.
Fowler, Gene
1890-1960 American Journalist Biographer
Wise men don’t need advice. Fools won’t take it.
Franklin, Benjamin
1706-1790 American Scientist Publisher Diplomat
They that will not be counseled, cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason she will rap you on the knuckles.
Franklin, Benjamin
1706-1790 American Scientist Publisher Diplomat
When in doubt, don’t.
Gellerman, Saul W.
American Academic
When we turn to one another for counsel we reduce the number of our enemies.
Gibran, Kahlil
1883-1931 Lebanese Poet Novelist
When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.
Grange, Marquis de la
To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn’t know what to do or that he can’t do it on his own.
Gray, John
American Relationship Expert Author
Generally speaking, when a woman offers unsolicited advice or tries to help a man, she has no idea of how critical and unloving he may sound to him.
Gray, John
American Relationship Expert Author
Always be nice to bankers. Always be nice to pension fund managers. Always be nice to the media. In that order.
Hanson, Lord
British Executive
The rich are always advising the poor, but the poor seldom return the compliment.
Helps, Sir Arthur
1813-1875 British Historian Novelist Essayist
We all admire the wisdom of people who come to us for advice.
Herbert, Jack
The advice of the elders to young men is very apt to be as unreal as a list of the hundred best books.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
1809-1894 American Author Wit Poet
Whatever advice you give, be short.
BC 65-8 Italian Poet
A good scare is worth more than good advice.
BC 65-8 Italian Poet
Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor. One must exercise proper deliberation, plan carefully before making a move, and be alert in guarding against relapse following a renaissance.
I Ching
12th Century BC Chinese Book of Changes
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.
Johnson, Ben
1600-British Clergyman Poet
The advice that is wanted is commonly not welcome and that which is not wanted, evidently an effrontery.
Johnson, Samuel
1709-1784 British Author
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.
Jong, Erica
1942 American Author
He who can take advice is sometimes superior to him who can give it.
Knebel, Karl Von
Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them.
We may give advice, but not the sense to use it.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois De
1613-1680 French Classical Writer
Men give away nothing so liberally as their advice.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois De
1613-1680 French Classical Writer
The one thing people are the most liberal with, is their advice.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois De
1613-1680 French Classical Writer
We give advice, but we cannot give the wisdom to profit by it.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois De
1613-1680 French Classical Writer
Number one: Don’t frisk me. Don’t hurt me physically. Don’t get anywhere near my neck. And don’t call me Regis. [Advice to his guests]
Letterman, David
1947 American TV Personality
Never give anyone the advice to buy or sell shares, because the most benevolent price of advice can turn out badly.
Lope de Vega
1562-1635 Spanish Playwright
It takes a great man to give sound advice tactfully, but a greater to accept it graciously.
Macaulay, J. C.
Be yourself is about the worst advice you can give to some people.
Masson, Thomas L.
Your friends praise your abilities to the skies, submit to you in argument, and seem to have the greatest deference for you; but, though they may ask it, you never find them following your advice upon their own affairs; nor allowing you to manage your own, without thinking that you should follow theirs. Thus, in fact, they all think themselves wiser than you, whatever they may say.
Melbourne, Lord
1779-1848 British Statesman Prime Minister
I sometimes give myself admirable advice, but I am incapable of taking it.
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
1689-1762 British Society Figure Letter Writer
It is only too easy to make suggestions and later try to escape the consequences of what we say.
Nehru, Jawaharlal
1889-1964 Indian Nationalist Statesman
Good advice is beyond all price.
Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.
Never give advice in a crowd.
Proverb, Arabian
Sayings of Arabian Origin
If your strength is small, don’t carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don’t give advice.
Proverb, Chinese
Sayings of Chinese Origin
To advise is not to compel.
Proverb, German
Sayings of German Origin
To advise is easier than to help.
Proverb, German
Sayings of German Origin
Never give advice unless asked.
Proverb, German
Sayings of German Origin
Never advise anyone to go to war or to get married. Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present. He that has no children brings them up well.
Proverb, Spanish
Sayings of Spanish Origin
One can advise comfortably from a safe port.
Schiller, Johann Friedrich Von
1759-1805 German Dramatist Poet Historian
It is easy to give advice from a port of safety.
Schiller, Johann Friedrich Von
1759-1805 German Dramatist Poet Historian
Don’t follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise.
Seabury, David
American Doctor Author
Consult your friend on all things, especially on those which respect yourself. His counsel may then be useful where your own self-love might impair your judgment.
4 BC � 65 AD Spanish-born Roman Statesman philosopher
I shall the effect of this good lesson keeps as watchman to my heart.
Shakespeare, William
1564-1616 British Poet Playwright Actor
I’m not a teacher: only a fellow-traveler of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead — ahead of myself as well as you.
Shaw, George Bernard
1856-1950 Irish-born British Dramatist
We hate those who will not take our advice, and despise them who do.
Shaw, Henry Wheeler
1818-1885 American Humorist
The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right.
Smith, Hannah Whitall
No one wants advice, only corroboration.
Steinbeck, John
1902-1968 American Author
These words dropped into my childish mind as if you should accidentally drop a ring into a deep well. I did not think of them much at the time, but there came a day in my life when the ring was fished up out of the well, good as new.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
1811-1896 American Novelist Antislavery Campaigner
Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.
Syrus, Publilius
1st Century BC Roman Writer
It is bad advice that cannot be changed.
Syrus, Publilius
1st Century BC Roman Writer
If one man says to thee, Thou art a donkey, pay no heed. If two speak thus, purchase a saddle.
Talmud, The
BC 500-400 AD Jewish Archive of Oral Tradition
I wouldn’t recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they’ve always worked for me.
Thompson, Hunter S.
1939 American Journalist
I have lived some thirty-odd years on this planet, and I have yet to hear the first syllable of valuable or even earnest advice from my seniors.
Thoreau, Henry David
1817-1862 American Essayist Poet Naturalist
Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something.
Thoreau, Henry David
1817-1862 American Essayist Poet Naturalist
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
Unknown, Source
A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice
Unknown, Source
A word to the wise is infuriating.
Unknown, Source
Advice is the only commodity on the market where the supply always exceeds the demand.
Unknown, Source
Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
Unknown, Source
Successful men follow the same advice they prescribe for others.
Unknown, Source
Anybody who ask for advice nowadays just hasn’t been listening.
Unknown, Source
Give help rather than advice.
Vauvenargues, Marquis De
1715-1747 French Moralist
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.
Wilde, Oscar
1856-1900 British Author Wit
Some of these people need ten years of therapy –ten sentences of mine do not equal ten years of therapy.
Zaslow, Jeff
1925 American Advice Columnist