Farm & Farmers Quotes

Funny Farmer, Farm Quotes & Sayings with Phrases

A DEERE grandma lives here. (you could use “grandpa” also)

A DEERE couple live here.

A Hard Row to Plow…

Daddy’s Deere.

(this was on a sign with a John Deere tractor in a field painted on it…

sun coming up in the background)

Farmers are the best in their field !!


Ford Farming

means less work

more income…

(this also was on a sign that a Ford Tractor painted on it)


In case of emergency,




Old Farmers never die, they just go to seed.


On the farm long ago,

my fondest memories did grow…

(this was on a sampler that had a barn, fence and windmill depicted on it)



(This sign was seen by a visitor to my site…sign was at entrance to a sheep farm)


There are only three seasons for farmers:

before harvest, harvest and after harvest.


Tractor Pulls: For people who can’t understand wrestling.


We have used cows for sale !

(this was sent by a friend who saw this sign in a field while he

was driving through Kentucky )


Weekend Warrior

(I saw this on a sign depicting a farm and a tractor)


You know you are a farmer when…

you go to the tractor

on laundry day to get your dirty clothes.


You know you are a farmer when…

when you hear the same song

4 times a day on the local country radio station…

you know for a fact that

they do play 12 songs an hour.


  1. Anna

    this is so funny!! One of my BEST friends is a farmers boy. He is overly-obsessed with anything that’s John Deere or Case!! LOL

    God bless farmers!

    • justin

      first vehicle 89′ chevy 2500 ext cab 5 speed, first girl jenny on the school bus we were the last two on and the last 2 off for 6 years. and first tractor was a 77 deere 4230…. damn you were right, didnt even have to think about it.

  2. kamil smrokowski

    its the girth of the hole that counts not how deep it is =buddy said

    thats what he said =i said

    laughs from both sides

    heard this one day on the farm from a buddy of mine

  3. stevie

    4 twenty somethin lads in the toyshop in omagh, tyrone at dinner time today arguing about toy tractors, one said, ‘naw naw youre thinkin of the wan with the big square bonnet, thats last years’, another lad then said, ‘aye, an bejasus she’s some yokk’

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