A little sugar, a lot of spice,
A woman shaped him … Oh so Nice,
He’s made of dough, and golden tan,
The closest thing to a perfect man.
Come sit at my table and share with me,
Warm gingerbread cookies and cinnamon tea.
Fashioned in love was this special gift,
simply to give your heart a lift.
Gingerbread girls are the sweetest by far,
stuffed to give where you are.
Gingerbread people are the sweetest things,
and I wish you all the happiness this one brings.
Got Milk ??
I don’t pop and I’m not fresh…
that’s my cousin !
Made special just for you,
may this gingerbread man
bring happiness to you.
The name’s Gregory…not Ginger !!
This gift come to you from me,
may this gingerbread man bring
happiness to you.
Milk or Santa ??
(this is depicted with a circle with a diagonal line through the
inside with the words “Milk or Santa”. Gingerbread men don’t
want to be included on a menu with mild and cookies for Santa)
The Perfect Man
He’s cute, he’s sweet,
and he doesn’t get upset
when you bite his head off !!