The Hangover movie quotes

You are literally too stupid to insult. Stu Price: You do know counting cards is illegal, right? Alan Garner: It’s not illegal, it’s just frowned upon. Like masturbating in an airplane. Phil Wenneck: I’m pretty sure that’s illegal, too. Phil Wenneck: Would you please put some pants on? I feel weird having to ask you … [Read more…]

Get Him to the Greek Quotes

“I’ll do lines off her forehead while I’m in her up to my nuts if that’s what you want” Sometimes I think I may have been Frank Sinatra in a past life…. even though I was born before he died You can’t outrun me! I’m black! What you did was very spiteful, but it was … [Read more…]

Shutter Island Quotes

We wage war, we burn sacrifices we pillage and plunder and treat at the flesh of our brothers and why? Because God gave us violence to wage in his honor. Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man? If the constraints of society were lifted and I … [Read more…]