Some interesting sayings and quotes about baldness and hair loss
Bald in front? You’re sexy!
Bald in back? You’re a thinker!
Bald all over? You think you’re sexy!!
Better a bald head than no head at all
God is good….God is fair
To some he gave brains,
to others….hair !!!
God made a few perfect heads…on the others he put hair !!
Gray hair is a blessing…ask any bald man.
For every hair lost from the head….
Two will appear on your (bum/back/ears. etc) instead !!
Hair today….is gone tomorrow !
I’m not bald, I’m follically impaired!
I’m not bald, my head is too big for my hair.
I’m not getting balder,
I’m just getting more head !
I’m not really bald,
I’ve just grown to tall for my hair!
This is not a bald spot….it’s a solar panel for brain power !
“Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald”
Bald People Don’t Have Bad Hair Days
the reason i am growing bald is because of too many u-turns under the sheets!