Quotes from Sandra Bullock
Sure, I’m an optimistic, joyous person, but I’m also afraid and insecure.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
One of the reasons I go out of my way to be kind is that I’ve known what it’s like not to be given kindness.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
[When I first came to America] I sounded different and dressed different. My classmates were unbelievably cruel and it left its mark. My defence was to reach out.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I have emotional vices and they can be far more paralyzing than drugs or alcohol.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I had begun four years ago to turn my life around. I love where I am and where I can see myself heading. Gradually, I have begun letting go of the things I thought I had to do to be happy.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I love working, but I also enjoy this nesting period I’m in.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I’ll have a child, but only if I am really in love at the time. I could have had kids when I was 17, but I was far too selfish at that period.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
The older I get, the less mature I get and I like that. I just intend to channel my behaviour to benefit myself as well as others.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I did not peak in high school as so many people feel they did, but I still don’t think I’m peaking. I want to do that when I’m 50.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
As I’ve said often, I did not have a fun childhood. I’m having it now because I feel so liberated.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I’m still going to be a party girl because I love throwing parties. I love that people say I throw incredible parties because that is what life is all about.
Calgary Sun, 00/04/09
I now have a two-week rule. I give it two weeks and just observe the other person, because it’s like clockwork. At first, it’s, “Oh, he’s so sweet and so attentive and so great.” But after two weeks, you realize, “Oh, he does that and that and that like every other guy – okay, I get it!”
Entertainment Weekly, 99/03/15
I’ve been with people who at first say “You’re so fun, you’re so wild,” but [then] they start saying “Oh, no, don’t do THAT.” And then I don’t do [what I want], and I become this separate person from who I was, and I resent it. In the past I’ve surrounded myself with people who weren’t the right people for me to be myself with.
Entertainment Weekly, 99/03/15
I’ve always been petrified of marriage. I’ve always thought that someone would want to change me, and I’d be locked up like this veal specimen in a box.
Entertainment Weekly, 99/03/15
[On a question if there’s one person out there] I don’t know a thing about that. I’ve learned more in the past two years about what the word “love” means, and what it means to love somebody. I think I have a better view of marriage now – I was deathly afraid of it in the past. I’ve seen better examples, and I’ve seen myself become a better person. So, if I can improve, I think other people can improve, too. It’s just a matter of being around somebody that gives you that feeling of “this could be the one.”
ET Online, 99/03/09
I mean, anybody can look cute after about three hours in hair and makeup, with a great set of makeup tools and a great haircutter.
CBS.COM, 99/03
The movie star stuff is fun when you can get a good table at a restaurant. That’s the only time it works. Other than that, it’s actually sad.
CBS.COM, 99/03
I’ve had enough bad love affairs for a lifetime. It’s taken awhile, but I’ve finally realized that I don’t need a man to make me happy. The next time I fall in love it’s going to be the real thing. In the meantime I’m just enjoying my life!
National Enquirer, 99/03
[On superstardom] It’s nothing. It’s money. It’s people recognizing you from the covers of magazines. But it doesn’t mean anything.
Associated Press, 98/10/15
I’m still in the race. I’m still in the business, but I’m doing the other side that I love to do, which is the production end.
Reuters, 98/10
I’ve had many things happen in my life that you really can’t explain. For one thing, I can always tell when something horrible is going to happen.
Reuters, 98/10
[On Speed 2] I just didn’t know when to step out of a project if I felt the script wasn’t being developed properly. I went into it with the best intentions, but its failure was the best thing for me on a lot of levels. It proved a lot of things that I felt to be true to begin with, and it placed me in a situation that I was more comfortable with because nobody cared about me after it was done. I failed and was on the outs and I was able to go back and concentrate on things I loved.
Reuters, 98/10
It’s such a bore talking about myself because I only give away a certain amount of information. I come across sounding like a bore, and I’ve been called a bore.
Reuters, 98/10
I love people who are outspoken and brilliant and insane, people who push the envelope and live life on the edge. Those people set me free and show the other side of life because I’m still pretty safe in a lot of ways.
Reuters, 98/10
I feel sexiest when you give me a dance floor, a great R&B tune, a partner I really click with, when I get sweaty and dance all night. That to me is the sexiest thing in the whole world, because dancing makes me feel free.
In Style, 96/09
Actually, when I’m dancing, every time is Sandy time, and anyone who wants can come along.
In Style, 96/09
I’m a fool for love…. I’m a big believer in love at first sight because I think everything happens for a reason.
Seventeen, 96/09
Everyone wants me to get stuck in sweet parts. There is a whole other side of me that wants to get out.
People, 96/08/19
[On a nude scene from the book, A Time to Kill, not included in the movie] The nudity seemed a little cheap. Anyway, I didn’t want everyone inspecting my naked body and laughing.
People, 96/08/19
I relive in the tabloids all these relationships I’m having with people I’ve never met.
Time, 96/08/19
My goal in life is to go out dancing.
Entertainment Weekly, 96/07/26
[On her father’s taking charge of her business affairs] My father’s been involved in my life since pretty much my birth. Even before the inception, he was kind of involved with that, too!
American Journal (TV show), 96/07/11
In the past year, I go, “Wow, this is a lot more than I ever anticipated.” I can handle it now because I want to. But I think in about two and a half years I won’t want to handle it anymore.
Premiere, 96/07
I like simple people. People who aren’t into money, who don’t have extravagant lifestyles. A friend of mine said, “Where are you going to meet those people?”
Premiere, 96/07
When I was younger, I never enjoyed being in the moment. All of a sudden it’s very clear how quickly you’re here one minute and gone the next.
Premiere, 96/07
I’d like to keep feeling comfortable with my freedom, to take it and not apologize for it. It’s a hard thing to own. I relinquish it a lot. And that’s my fault.
Premiere, 96/07
I will always eat pizza, and I’ll always have a beer with the pizza. Heineken, a slice, or fried chicken with biscuits and gravy. That’s America, for crying out loud.
Premiere, 96/07
[At age 12] I hadn’t developed, I wore green bell-bottoms, and I had a big old bowl-shaped haircut. The word ‘dog’ was used a lot…. I’m so glad it happened to me. It made me very sensitive to cruelty.
People, 96/05/06
When I start a book, I become obsessed with it. I’m up at 5 a.m. finishing it.
BB, 96/05
I spend most of my time trying to be this exceptional person that’ll fulfil every person’s wants. In my friendships, in my relationships, too. But you know what? You can’t please everybody. It’s really important to keep things simple and small and real.
Esquire (UK), 96/05
Pickles are so difficult to work with. You grab too tight, they slip right out of your hands. Pickles are a lot like life that way.
Esquire (UK), 96/05
I like to work, and I like to be creative, and I like to have fun.
Esquire (UK), 96/05
I’m not cut out to be a superstar. I don’t have what Jim Carrey has, or what Demi Moore has. I just don’t have it.
Esquire (UK), 96/05
My shelf life is maybe four or five years and then what do you have?
Esquire (UK), 96/05
Learn how to laugh at everything you do. If you get great reviews, laugh at them. If you get slammed, laugh at that. Either way, it has nothing to do with you.
Esquire (UK), 96/05
Even when I was hand-to-mouth, waitressing in New York, I felt like I always had enough. I never look at money and rely on it. I let other people worry about it. I want to make sure that everything’s paid off, that everybody’s taken care of, and that’s all I need.
Esquire (UK), 96/05
If Joel [Schumacher] had been directing Showgirls, I probably would have done it.
Premiere, 96/03
I wasn’t raised thinking somebody was black or white. My best friend in school was black and it didn’t register until five years ago that there should have been an issue there, and it never was.
Detour, 96/02
I trust everyone until they give me a reason not to.
Detour, 96/02
It’s so simple what I like: people who know what they want out of life – whether they want to be a shoelace maker, I don’t care, just have passion, and I’ll go along with you.
Detour, 96/02
You get what you give, whether it’s bad or good.
Detour, 96/02
I love The Muppet Show.
Detour, 96/02
There’s something sexy about a gut, not a 400-pound beer gut, but a little paunch.
Detour, 96/02
I’ve got a lot of bad work out there, but if it wasn’t for that work I wouldn’t be sitting here.
Detour, 96/02
I have these big piano-playing hands. I feel like I should be picking potatoes.
Charlotte Observer, 96/01/22
I think if you base your choices on money and the potential success rate of the film, you are doomed. You do it for the love of what you want to do. And I think anything else is a big mistake.
Larry King Live, 96/01/10
Everyone told me to pass on Speed. I heard, “You’re not going to do the bus movie…. Chuckle chuckle.” It was the industry joke.
Premiere, 96/01
I’m a good ear for men and a good voice for the woman’s side.
Entertainment Weekly, 95/12
Life is good, big time.
Entertainment Weekly, 95/12
It’s going to be a long time before I can trust anybody again. I don’t know anybody who’d want to get involved with me right now and be put through all the strain.
Ladies’ Home Journal, 95/12
I’ve hit that, that three-ish area where I’m now heading towards that hill.
Barbara Walters, 95/11/17
I have a great fear of abandonment. That somebody or people that I really care for will leave, so I’ve always sort of held people at a really good arms length. You embrace them, but only to a certain degree.
Barbara Walters, 95/11/17
I can’t see myself in ten years, really. Nothing’s ever gone the way I planned it, ever. So I have no idea.
Barbara Walters, 95/11/17
I’ve been so aggressive and so determined to make things happen in my career. And now I really think I can have both professional success and a well-rounded personal life. I’m getting a lot of selfish things out of my system.
LA Daily News, 95/11/06
My mother realised that to get me to do something was to tell me not to do it, and to not get me to do it was to tell me to do it. I’m psychologically dyslexic.
Empire, 95/10
Ever since I was a child I’ve loved Tom Jones. It’s his charisma. It transcends all age groups.
Empire, 95/10
I love guys who can build things because they remind me of my dad. I have a huge connection with my dad.
Film Review, 95/10
I’ve given up on my hair because it’s a mop. I’m dishevelled. So why not go with the out-of-control look? I call it the “just fell out of bed look.”
Film Review, 95/10
As a child I was always getting criticized for laughing too much, being a little too crazy. I was always self-sufficient.
Film Review 95/10
My mother told me when I was a baby I wouldn’t let her hold me. I came out of the womb and thought I was Mighty Mouse.
Film Review, 95/10
Manual labour feels so good. I want to be able to install my own toilet. Also, I guess I do as much manual labour as I can because it stops me from thinking, gives my mind a rest.
Film Review, 95/10
Now I’m single and I hate it. I feel like I have this L on my forehead – for Loser. Sometimes I’m miserable and lonely. I just want somebody to brush my hair and tuck me into bed.
Film Review, 95/10
I like normal, simple, good people, and those are few and far between.
Film Review, 95/10
Nothing makes me happier than dancing. It transforms me. It’s the only time I let out what is inside and I feel completely sensual and sexy and alive. I’m obsessed with it.
Film Review, 95/10
I love rock climbing because it makes you feel like you have conquered the world. You feel like you’re capable of doing anything when you have done that.
Film Review, 95/10
Don’t corral me and I’ll always come home. Always. Just let me go out and play during the day. When I’m exhausted, I’ll come back.
Playboy, 95/09
All my life is based on having fun, laughing and making things as funny as possible.
The Tatler, 95/09
There is something comfortable about me. I’m like a sleeper sofa. A good couch your grandmother has.
People, 95/08/14
I never want to give anyone the chance to stereotype me. If anyone’s going to do any stereotyping around here, it’s going to be me. I just don’t want anyone to do it for me.
Charlotte Observer, 95/08/03
[On Fire on the Amazon] I was young and inexperienced, but I was still smart enough to not trust those people, and I insisted on duct tape being placed across my private parts. Believe me, you don’t see anything of mine in that movie. And I don’t care how famous I get, nobody is ever going to want to see that movie. It is a horrible piece of garbage.
Charlotte Observer, 95/08/03
I went through the tomboy phase, the very shy phase. I was a chameleon child.
Cinescape, 95/08
Right before I got the film, The Vanishing, I was ready to quit the business. I don’t know for sure what I would have done, but it wouldn’t be acting.
Single Styles, 95/08
I was raised like a man, not to marry myself off and have a husband take care of me, but raised to take care of myself.
Single Styles, 95/08
I love Dr. Seuss, flamenco dancing and computers. I’m always on the Internet.
People, 95/07/31
My music tastes are very eclectic, but on the top of the list is anything R&B, Blues/Soul, progressive Salsa and then anything by Tom Jones.
AOL Conference, 95/07/24
[For fun I like to] Eat, sleep, not work, dance, work on my house, travel, or road trips, and a romantic evening would be a trip to KFC, a great video topped off with Haagen Dazs Vanilla Swiss almond and with a partner in crime.
AOL Conference, 95/07/24
[My favorite actors are] Everyone with the last name Hepburn, Jerry Lewis, Whoopi Goldberg, Jessica Lange and the list could go on for a very long time.
AOL Conference, 95/07/24
I started in movies by doing small student films in New York and waitressing, two very important talents to have as an actor.
AOL Conference, 95/07/20
I know I will never direct. I would be lousy at it.
AOL Conference, 95/07/20
I have to admit it’s hard sometimes to overlook things when they are hurled at you, but I always try to adhere to a motto that makes a bit of sense to me and that is: “That which you resist, will persist.” So step aside and let it pass.
AOL Conference, 95/07/20
I’m a bit odd. I’m a basic person. I like basic food, simple tastes. I like things I understand, things (and people) I can identify and not have to question their motives. My friends and parents are brutally honest and you always know where you stand.
Charlotte Observer, 95/05/21
I’m one of those people who used to be really worried about what everybody thought, and once I started getting my feelings hurt a lot I said, “You know what? I’ve got to get over it.” So I just isolated myself from it.
Charlotte Observer, 95/05/21
I went to high school, did drama, went to New York. Packed my car. I knew one person. Got a job in a nightclub that turned out to be a drug front. I didn’t even know it. I had like the best stories. I was mugged. I was held up. And nothing ever happened to me! I managed to get out, so that anything that could happen, did. The fact that I didn’t know fear was probably the best thing for me.
Charlotte Observer, 95/05/21
I’d say 50% of my humor is because I feel great, and the other 50% is because I want to make others feel comfortable, so I can get comfortable. It’s definitely a control zone.
Entertainment Weekly, 95/05/05
I’m afraid of actors. I don’t understand actors.
Entertainment Weekly, 95/05/05
I understand people who work with their hands. Those are the people I’m not afraid of.
Entertainment Weekly, 95/05/05
I rarely lose my temper, and only then when someone talks down to me, or when I see people treating other people with disrespect.
Entertainment Weekly, 95/05/05
I love my scar. I figure if Harrison Ford can have a scar on his chin, I can have one above my eye. It’s a guy thing.
Mademoiselle, 95/05
When I’m having a bad time, I go out and buy dresses. Floral dresses. I have a closet full of them!
Mademoiselle, 95/05
When I first got AOL, I went on the chat lines. But I would always say something and nobody would ever respond. And I’d feel like: “Hello! Hello! Doesn’t what I have to say matter to anybody out there?” I hated that.
US, 95/05
My No. 1 favorite food is Kentucky Fried Chicken, extra crispy, with mashed potatoes, biscuits and corn on the cob.
US, 95/05
Even though we’re adults, when it comes down to basic needs and wants, we’re still essentially the same people we were in the seventh grade.
US, 95/05
I think my sister and I are incredibly open-minded people. We’re not afraid to travel, to be thrown into things. When I have kids, I want them to be that way.
US, 95/05
I’m the kind of person who wants to know how to do it all myself. That way, I don’t have to call up everybody and burden them. But I’m getting to the point now where I know how to do it all by myself. I’m at the point where I’m like: “I’m tired of being responsible. Will somebody else drive the car please?”
US, 95/05
I love to go into clubs and dance. That’s when I feel sexy – I know I’m sexy.
US, 95/05
When I got to salsa and Latin clubs, when me and my partner are dancing to great music, a different side of me comes out, I dress differently. The skirts are short, you were the higher heel, the tighter top. You know, your hair is everywhere. I suddenly become Charo. I am Charo reincarnated.
US, 95/05
My mother is from Germany; my dad is from Birmingham, Ala. These two met in the middle and had us kids. I think we got a little bit of everything in life and ended up relatively normal, which is amazing to me.
Creative Loafing, 95/04/29
It’s hard for me not to always do romantic comedies, because I can live there a lot easier. Everything in my life I play off with a joke anyway.
Creative Loafing, 95/04/29
Yeah, I go through lonely periods. Sometimes I just want to deal with things myself, stay at home. And my friends know when I’m doing it because I won’t pick up the phone; I just shut off. But I need it; it’s, like, my rejuvenation.
LA Daily News, 95/04/21
I walk into a room and I usually spill something along the way. There’s always cleaning up around me to some degree.
USA Today, 95/04/21
They said a drama major could not be a cheerleader. I decided to break that mold because I could do flips and I look really good in a short skirt.
USA Today, 95/04/21
There are very few people I trust – very few.
Detroit Free Press, 95/04/16
The truth is in the kisses.
Detroit Free Press, 95/04/16
I’d love to have a guy come with a big broom and sweep me off my feet – the right person. I love the term “soul mate”; that’s what I really want. But not for a while.
LA Daily News, 95/03/01
There’s so much fear of failure in me that if I think too much about something, I won’t do it, so I sort of do things blindly.”
Cosmopolitan, 94/11
I’m just afraid I’m going to marry somebody, and he’s going to turn out to be an ax murderer.
Cosmopolitan, 94/11
I’m like a shark. If I stop, I’ll just die; if I keep moving, I’m okay.
Cosmopolitan, 94/11
Crushes are wonderful – they make you feel like you’re two years old and you say the stupidest things.
Cosmopolitan, 94/11
I love small, noncommercial films. Wrestling Ernest Hemingway was beautiful.
Cosmopolitan, 94/11
In Hollywood, with all the air kisses and hugging, I’m the kind of person who says, “Don’t touch me unless you mean it.”
Esquire, 94/07
I have a big mouth, very strong opinions, and I always question authority figures.
LA Daily News, 94/06/12
There’s the European side, where I feel comfortable in any cultural situation, and the good-old-boy side, where I like my friends to come over, drink a couple of beers and talk about men.
LA Daily News, 94/06/12
When they ask me to be sexy, I panic. I put on a tight dress and makeup. But when I doll myself up and make a conscious effort to be attractive, no one gives me a second glance. When I’m at my most lost and vulnerable, people say, “You look beautiful.”
LA Daily News, 94/06/12
I feel very comfortable playing the klutz. I am a klutz, but I don’t find that to be an unattractive thing.
LA Daily News, 94/06/12
The first time I met [Sylvester Stallone], he had golf tees up his nose. So I figured we were going to be OK.
Charlotte Observer, 93/10/21
Everybody goes through the garbage and sometimes finds a chicken leg. I got a nice chicken leg.
USA Today, 93/10/11
I loved acting. I was a ham. I was good at goofing off. I didn’t know if I wanted to do acting permanently when I started in college. But I did love goofing off because I was no good at math.
LA Daily News, 90/05/07
My best times were in North Carolina. It was a very comfortable place and I think being there taught me how to relax.
Charlotte Observer, 90/04/14
Just because you’re an actor, it doesn’t excuse you from being a good, decent person.
Axcess, Vol 3 No 5
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