Baseball Quotes

Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer.  Ted Williams

You teach me baseball and I’ll teach you relativity…No we must not You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball. Albert EinsteinBaseball Quotes

There’s one word that describes baseball — ‘You never know.’  Joquin Andujar

Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. – Ferguson Jenkins

I was never nervous when I had the ball, but when I let go I was scared to death. Lefty Gomez

The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love. Bryant Gumbel

When you step into the batter’s box, have nothing on your mind except baseball. – Pete Rose

“I like to be against the odds. I’m not afraid to be lonely at the top. With me, it’s just the satisfaction of the game. Just performance.  Barry Bonds

Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It’s staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in. Casey Stengel

“The guy with the biggest stomach will be the first to take off his shirt at a baseball game.” Glenn Dickey

You don’t save pitchers for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain. Leo Durocher

Two hundred million Americans, and there ain’t two good catchers among ’em.” Casey Stengel

Most one-run games are lost, not won. – Gene Mauch

I always thought that record would stand until it was broken.” Yogi Berra

I would like people not to think in terms of the 755 home runs I hit but think in terms of what I’ve accomplished off the field and some of the things I stood for.” Hank Aaron

There have been only two geniuses in the world, Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare. Tallulah Bankhead

“A baseball manager is a necessary evil.” Sparky Anderson

A hitter’s impatience is the pitcher’s biggest advantage. – Pete Rose

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